Iona Presentation College

Peer to Peer Mentoring at Iona

Peer mentoring is an integral part of the Gifted and Talented program at Iona Presentation College. This is a leadership initiative where a highly able or gifted student volunteers to serve as a resource; a helping hand; a sounding board; and a referral service to another highly able or gifted student. Their role is to provide support, encouragement and information to their fellow student, in a supportive environment.

At Iona, peer mentorship offers growth and learning opportunities for all individuals involved. The program is currently focusing on supporting accelerated students, World Scholars Cup students, those wishing to grow or refine their knowledge in specific learning areas, and/or those wishing to experience a challenge or a goal they can aspire to.

What can peer mentoring achieve? Research indicates that for the

Mentee: -

  • Connectedness to school and peers
  • Feelings of confidence and self-efficacy
  • Grades and academic achievement
  • Prosocial behaviour and attitudes

And for the Mentor: -

  • Connectedness to school
  • Growth in self esteem
  • Empathy and moral reasoning
  • Interpersonal communication and conflict resolution
  • Stronger relationship with parents

The peer mentoring program continues to grow at Iona with both the Mentors and Mentees reaping the benefits.

Louise Ormesher
Gifted and Talented Coordinator