Iona Presentation College

Vinnies Can Appeal

The Founder of the Presentation Sisters, Nano Nagle, brought love, care and hope to those in need. It is in this tradition that at Iona there is a strong belief in the capacity and responsibility of our young women to contribute significantly to their community.

Iona students are encouraged to practise active citizenship through involvement in service activities, which help students develop an understanding of the wider world and encourages them to participate in helping those less fortunate than themselves.

The College recently took part in the St Vincent de Paul Society Can Appeal, collecting and offering cans of food to those in need. It was a fabulous drive, with the College collecting 2,644 cans on non-perishable foods to deliver to those in need.

The majority of the cans were allocated to the Doubleview St Vincent de Paul group who support parishes in their area, as well as Mirrabooka and Nollamara. Sr Flora also shared a car load of cans with the Sisters who visit needy families.

Our grateful thanks to the many parents who supported this appeal. Every time Young Vinnies have some sort of collection at school the parents are very generous.

Congratulations to Moynihan, who collected the greatest number of cans, followed closely by O'Dowling and O'Halloran.

Moynihan 594

O'Dowling 538

O'Halloran 537

Treacey 347

Columba 317

Kildare 311